• P.O. Box 164
    Highgate Springs, VT 05460
  • Mon - Fri
    7am - 5pm
  • 802.868.7709

Complete Drilling
Services & Well Maintenance

Serving the following counties:

Addison VT, Chittenden VT, Franklin VT,
Grand Isle VT, Lamoille VT, Orange VT,
Orleans VT, Washington VT, Clinton NY,
Essex NY, Franklin NY and St. Lawrence NY

Services We Offer

Residential Wells

Commercial Wells

Agriculture Wells


Pumps & Systems

Water Conditioning

Well Rehabilitation


Down Hole Camera

We have been experiencing intermittent phone outages.  If you cannot reach us via phone, please email us at chevalierdrilling@comcast.net.  We apologize for this inconvenience.

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