• P.O. Box 164
    Highgate Springs, VT 05460
  • Mon - Fri
    7am - 5pm
  • 802.868.7709

Water Wells

Types of Wells

Residential Well Drilling
Chevalier Drilling Co., Inc. has been involved in residential water well drilling since the 1950’s serving Vermont and Northern New York. Whether your household requires ½ gallon per minute or 25 gallons per minute we here at Chevalier Drilling Co., Inc. have the certified and experienced staff that can meet your needs. Our crews and equipment can drill water wells from 6” to 12” diameter to meet all of your residential water needs. Our fleet of modern drill rigs and tenders can drill in any type of rock formation as well as set casing in unconsolidated material. Our drill crews are not only certified specialists, they also know how to and are always happy to explain to our customers what is happening while the drilling process is occurring on site.
Agriculture Well Drilling
Similar to a water well drilled for residential use, agricultural water wells are created by drilling a water well until an aquifer is located that contains enough water to supply the amount of water needed to support the livestock or crops that will be watered from this source. An agricultural water well is connected directly into a water pumping system that supplies water for anything from crops, to livestock barns, watering tanks, and fields. Rather than rely on municipal water, which can be expensive and can contain additives, a dedicated crop and or livestock water well system enables you to have full control over your water supply quality, without the worry of adding chemicals into the environment, as well as the quantity.
Commercial Well Drilling
Chevalier Well Drilling Inc. has been involved in commercial water well drilling since the 1950’s serving agricultural, farms, manufacturing, and municipal customers. Whether you require 10 gallon per minute or 100 gallons per minute we here at Chevalier Drilling Co., Inc. have the certified and experienced staff that can meet your needs. Our crews and equipment can drill water wells from 6” to 12” in diameter to meet all of your commercial water needs. Our fleet of modern drill rigs and tenders can drill in any type of rock formation as well as set casing in unconsolidated material. Our drilling crews are not only certified specialists in drilling commercial water wells they also specialize in high yield screened gravel wells in the areas of glacier and river deposits.
In essence geothermal energy is heat from the earth which is caused by the sun’s year round constant heating of the earth to 45 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Geothermal energy is a natural and renewable resource which can be harnessed through geothermal heating and cooling systems to cool and heat a home in the summer and winter months. The basic principles of ground water geothermal wells are quite simple. The well water maintains a constant temperature all year round of 50 degrees Fahrenheit several miles below the ground’s surface. The well pump and piping in the well absorbs and transfers the water and heat of said water to the geothermal heat pump inside the building. Once there the geothermal heat pump concentrates and transfers the heat from the water to the buildings forced air ducts or radiant piping. In the summer forced air systems extract the heat from the air inside the home leaving the air cooler.

 There are some points to consider when siting a well

What Regulations Apply?

Generally you need to be:

  • At least 100 feet from the closest leech field
  • At least 50 feet from the septic tank
  • At least 10 feet from the property line
  • At least 10 feet from a building
  • At least 15 feet away from a driveway
  • At least 25 feet from the side of the road

What Makes Sense From a Practical Standpoint?

  • Is the site accessible for a drill drig?
  • Will the site be accessible in the future?
  • Is there a possibility that buildings could be expanded over the well in the future?
  • Are there power lines overhead?
  • Will the well head be in danger of being run into by a car, plow, etc.?
  • Will the water line have to cross a driveway?
  • Is there bedrock close to the surface that would make it difficult to run a water line?

How Important Are Aesthetics?

  • Will a pipe sticking out of the ground on your front lawn bother you?
  • Is there a suitable place to drill that is less conspicuous?

With over 40 years of experience drilling, installing, and repairing agricultural water well systems Chevalier Drilling Co., Inc. knows what it takes to provide the best water well(s) to fit your agricultural needs.  Every business and farm have their own unique water demands, let Chevalier Drilling Co., Inc.’s dedicated and experienced staff work with you on meeting those unique needs.  We offer 24-hour emergency service repair as we know that when the well goes down and the cows are thirsty; it is an emergency!  Give us a call and see why both large and small agricultural businesses and farms trust us with their water supply needs.

We have been experiencing intermittent phone outages.  If you cannot reach us via phone, please email us at chevalierdrilling@comcast.net.  We apologize for this inconvenience.

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