Occasionally, well water may contain minerals which create objectionable conditions. These objectionable conditions are often readily apparent in the forms of, reddish-brown staining, white calcium build up on the ends of water faucets, spotting on dishes, rotten egg odor, an earthy odor, etc. Water conditioning is defined as a means to strain out impurities, such as the ones listed above, from a water source.
Water Softening
Do you want to banish that calcium build up from the ends of your faucets? Do you want perfectly clean dishes and smooth, healthy skin? If the answer is yes, then please call us to discuss water softening options.
Sulfur Removal
Do you want to banish that rotten egg smell from your water? Do you want to banish that grayish tint and metallic taste to your water? If the answer is yes, then please call to discuss the different options for treating these issues.
Do you want water free of particulates that continually plug up your faucets and leave granular sediment in your sinks and toilet bowls? If the answer is yes, please give us a call to discuss sediment treatment options.
Reverse Osmosis
Do you want great tasting mineral free drinking water right from your tap? If the answer is yes, then please call us to discuss reverse osmosis.
Do you have a problem with bacteria in your well? Do you have a shallow well that continually tests positive for Coliform bacteria? Do you want water perfectly pure? If the answer is yes, please call to discuss the options for removing bacteria from your water source.
Iron Removal
Do you want to banish that reddish-brown staining from your sinks and toilet bowls? Do you want to make your water healthier and delicious tasting? If the answer is yes, then please call us to discuss the different options for removing the iron and harmful bacteria from your water.
Gross Alpha Radiation
Using the latest water technology, our dedicated, experienced and certified personnel will perform a comprehensive mineral analysis of your water at no charge to you. We will then inform you of your results and discuss – recommend a treatment solution based on said results. We offer a wide variety of water treatment solutions – systems along with certified – experienced personnel to install them. Living with problem water is just that – a problem. Let Chevalier Drilling Co., Inc. be the solution.
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