A well is simply a hole in the ground through which water is extracted from the earth! Water is extracted for industrial, agricultural, or domestic purposes. There are many types of wells.
For normal Household use, you should have:
6 GPM | at 100ft |
4 GPM | at 200ft |
2.5 GPM | at 300ft |
1 GPM | at 400ft |
0.5 GPM | at 500ft |
Individual situations will ultimately dictate what is required.
A normal well takes anywhere from a few hours to a few days to drill. It is another day project to install a pumping system to get the water from the well to the house.
Ordinarily, a drilled well is superior to a dug well. It is less likely to suffer pollution from surface contaminants or go dry during a period of no rainfall. A gravel screened well is also a preferable type of well compared to a dug well, however, it can only be installed if the necessary geologic conditions exist.
Each state has regulations governing where on your property a well can be drilled. Generally, it has to be at least 100 feet from your leech field and 50 feet away from the septic tank. It should also be away from roads, driveways and buildings . It is impossible to predict where water will be found most economically.
Wells are usually drilled on a per foot basis. Thus, the deeper a well is, the more expensive it is.
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